Amazon (AMZN)
Price/Sales-Valuation (PS-Ratio)
In the following chart you can see a neat overview of the last two years: It's about the Amazon-Stock Price, Amazon Sales from quarter to quarter and the corresponding valuation, more precise: the...
...Price-To-Sales Ratio/Valuation. Until Sep. 2017 the Price-Sales Ratio was more or less always stuck below the 3times-ratio. Since then this Ratio has started to rise and approached a level of nearly 4.7 by now (Status: 29th Aug. 2018). The easiest conclusion one can make is the following: In Sep. 2017 the stock was cheaper by this Valuation measure/mutiple (2.96 < 4.7).
Disclaimer/Disclosure: Ralph Gollner hereby discloses that he directly owns securities of Amazon (AMZN), as per 29th August 2018.
Disclaimer/Hinweis nach §34 WPHG zur Begründung möglicher Interessenkonflikte: Die Aktie Amazon (AMZN) die in diesem Blogeintrag/Artikel behandelt/genannt wird, befindet sich aktuell/per 29. Aug. 2018 im "Echt-Depot" von Mag. Ralph Gollner.